The Alhambra Palace

We actually took a tour!  A one day bus excursion to Granada (about 150 km to the NE) to visit the Alhambra Palace.  I would love to tell you details about it, but our tour guide’s microphone didn’t work… we heard few details.  But, it is beautiful, and has a fascinating history – from what I’ve read.  The Moors took over 2 centuries (1238-1492) to build it, and they were eventually booted by the Christians.   I regret not reading up on it before the tour, but now have another topic on my reading list.

The bus ride revealed olive trees for as far as the eye could see.  Did you know Spain is the number one producer of olives in the world?  Producing more than double that of the #2 country – Italy.  Most of Spain’s olive oil is exported to Italy, and any olive can be made into olive oil.  It only has to be allowed to ripen to a black color.  Yup – the microphone of the tour guide on the bus DID work 🙂

Photos of Alhambra Palace – the exterior one is not mine.  There is skiing in the mountains in the background.


Looking toward Granada from the palace.
The gardens and yards were beautiful. Can imagine the color in the summer.
Wow. We bought a book detailing the palace that you’re welcome to borrow when we get home.
The tile is not original, as I would guess the door is not either. Still beautiful.
This gives you an idea of the depth of the plaster relief. The tiles were molded then installed.


This is original tile work.
You could look at the details all day long. We’ll be back!

– Laura